Modernise your IT with the Cloud

Cloud Solutions for Education

As Cloud Specialists we pride ourselves on delivering critical education cloud services to schools across the UK, helping them reduce their IT Total Cost of Ownership, and deliver more flexible and secure access to school data.


Microsoft 365 Cloud Services

As a Microsoft Cloud Service Provider (CSP), we assist schools to get the most value out of Microsoft's Education CSP licensing and services. Ensuring that Windows 10/11 Education devices are licensed, deploying the latest editions of MS Office and securely hosting highly available cloud email + storage services.

Cloud Infrastructure (IaaS)

Our traditional infrastructure backup services ensures that your IT infrastructure is recoverable should you suffer any data loss. Enabling you to backup critical Windows Server installations, PCs, Databases and file shares. Additionally, we utilise the official ESS SIMS Backup solution to deliver peace of mind.

Reduce Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

Cloud Solutions help schools reduce their TCO by introducing infrastructure & core services with low upfront costs, and no ongoing energy / maintenance costs.

Superior Security

Microsoft 365 Cloud Services are consistently applying the latest software + infrastructure security vulnerability patches without service disruption and host their compute + storage within ISO 27001 accredited data centres across the UK. Plus additional identity protection services such as Azure Multi-Factor Authentication protects users from unauthorised access from malicious actors.

Collaboration + Accessibility Features

Microsoft 365 empowers Microsoft Office with real-time collaboration on shared documents, flexible remote working options via OneDrive and inclusive accessibility features such as dictation and immersive reader to assist staff & pupils with Office documents.

Multi-Platform Support

The nature of the cloud enables school's to utilise a diverse IT device fleet including Windows, macOS, Android + iOS.

How can the Cloud save your school money?

Cloud technologies offer multiple benefits to schools, including substantial cost savings and are applicable to multiple areas of IT. Ranging from industry standard centralised user & device management, to email services, data storage & collaboration, MIS services, backup services and telecommunications. The list goes on!

Implementing cloud-based solutions will enable institutions to reduce expenses associated with maintaining costly on-site hardware and software infrastructure. Subsequently, schools can divert these monetary resources to other essential areas that will benefit students. Furthermore, schools can take advantage of monthly cloud services, that allow for flexible adjustment in costs per month/year, instead of significant capital investments.

Better environment sustainability from Cloud usage

Cloud technologies can significantly reduce the carbon footprint of a school’s IT infrastructure in several ways. First, by shifting the majority of the IT workloads to the cloud, the school can eliminate the need for in-house IT hardware such as servers, switches, and routers. This, in turn, reduces the energy consumption of the school’s IT infrastructure, resulting in lower greenhouse gas emissions.

Second, cloud-based applications and services often consume less energy than traditional software applications and services. For example, cloud-based email services require less energy to operate and maintain than locally hosted email servers.

Lastly, cloud technologies enable more efficient use of computing resources. Cloud providers leverage advanced technologies to optimise their data centres, making them more energy-efficient and reducing the overall carbon footprint of the school’s IT infrastructure.

Overall, by leveraging cloud technologies, schools can significantly reduce their carbon footprint, while still providing their students and staff with the required IT infrastructure and services.

Prefer to talk to us?

You can schedule a meeting with us below, call us (on 01684 215 165) or use the Live Chat service in the bottom-left corner of the website.