Hybrid Office

Everything you need, accessible from anywhere (Powered by the Cloud)

Be Flexible, without any compromises

Experience a Modern Secure Fast Flexible Workspace

One Desktop, anywhere

Our Hybrid Office service is tailored to securely deliver all your business’ apps and data to your users, within a single workspace. We will work with you to ensure that all of your current on-premise and cloud hosted applications are available and accessible.

Protected End-to-End

Our Hybrid Office service is tailored to securely deliver all your business’ apps and data to your users, within a single workspace. We will work with you to ensure that all of your current on-premise and cloud hosted applications are available and accessible.

Maintenance is taken care of

Spectrum ensure that all Cloud Desktops are using the latest Windows software and are kept secure

Cuts your Footprint

By migrating your workload into the Cloud you reduce your carbon footprint. Your workstations do not have to work as hard and you don't have to run equipment on-premise for your apps.

Reduce your TCO

Utilising Cloud Desktops can help prolong your existing IT equipment by taking care of your workflows, rather than your computer. When you need to update your hardware, you can save money since you will not require high specifications to carry out your old workload, the cloud has got you covered.

Do you need a Hand? Second opinion? Cloud Expertise?

Have you recently implemented a Public Cloud IaaS offering and found that your costs are spiralling out of control or that it isn’t suiting your needs?

Interested In Upgrading Your Business?

drop us a line and keep in touch