User Risk Report

Get your FREE report on your user's online security.

Discover your weaknesses

It's as simple as One Two Three

1. Fill in the form below

Enter the required details in the form below. We may need to contact you before we begin our scans.

2. Domain Scans & Simulated Attack

We will scan the internet and the dark web for any compromised credentials associated with your business. When you are ready, a simulated phishing campaign will be conducted against your users, which enable us to assess user awareness.

3. Report

You will receive a report of our findings and we will discuss with you the recommended remedial actions.

Sign-up for Free User Risk Report

Receive your report within 2 business days

Not sure what you need?

Discuss your business requirements with us and we will work out what you need

You can schedule a meeting with us below, call us (01684 215 165) or use the Live Chat service in the bottom-left corner of the website.